Access control plays a vital role in site security, offering a crucial layer of protection. At CV, we understand the diverse needs of businesses and deliver access control solutions tailored to your specific requirements.
In today's climate of heightened security concerns and evolving health and safety regulations, businesses require customised access control solutions. Whether you seek a standalone, user-friendly system or a sophisticated integrated solution, our experts excel in customisation and ensure access control that seamlessly integrates with your business operations.
Our team specialises in access control for critical infrastructure clients and are experienced in the installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of both new and existing systems.
Access control extends far beyond door and gate control. The latest access control innovations allow you to seamlessly regulate the movements of staff, visitors, contractors and vehicles across your sites. From overseeing key access and locker management to accommodating a wide range of business needs, our advanced access control systems offer endless flexibility and capabilities. Our expert team will partner with you to design and implement a complete turnkey solution able to meet and exceed all your business requirements.
Our integrated access control systems provide:
• Business risk management through policy enforcement, including competency and induction systems
• Physical and intellectual asset protection
• HR and Payroll system integration
• CCTV system integration
• Intruder alarm detection and notification via email, SMS and mobile devices
• Automatic enforcement of business WHS policies and procedures
• Emergency management, lock down and alerts