CV is committed to a transparent, accountable approach to business across all areas. Our governance structure includes board charters, open and transparent reporting, structured risk management reviews and clear people policies.
CV complies with, and is externally certified to, the ISO standard for safety, quality and environment. SAI Global complete an annual audit to ensure ongoing compliance.
Grant Thornton are appointed as CV external auditors. CV’s finances and finance processes are audited annually to ensure all financial protocols and reports are in line with accounting and regulatory standards.
CV has established an internal Compliance Committee to ensure that all reporting and financial commitments are in line with legal and regulatory requirements. Reporting to the Board, the Compliance Committee meets quarterly.
All employees are paid in accordance with the relevant Industrial Instrument. Employee hours and payroll are monitored, approved and reported on. Regular testing is in place to ensure actual entitlement meet the relevant BOOT testing.
The CV ERP System includes structured delegations for purchase commitments, operating expenditure and capital expenditure. All financial commitments are subject to a delegated approval process.
All client and supplier contracts are reviewed prior to CV entering into them to ensure that the contractual terms and risks are understood and managed.
The CV Board is comprised of CV shareholders/directors and an external advisor. Meeting monthly, the Board is provided with a monthly Board report, oversights shareholder strategy, and approves Director remuneration, shareholder dividends and funding facilities.
CV completes the WGEA Report annually and is committed to enhancing our diversity results.